[Storyline] Queen Seon Deok Episode 8.
Cr. - Jackie@dramatomy
Repost : http://seonduk.blogspot.com/
Hwa Rang 10 elite youth cadre corps regiments at Seorabeol
The 10 elite youth corps of Hwa Rang at Seorabeol. The currently standing that it is under the 14th Pungwolju Ho Jae then subsidiary elite cadre. They are Il Wyol Seong Do (Sun & Moon elite cadre) lead by Bo Jong; Cheon Ryeong Ing Do (Green/Blue Dragon elite cadre-one of the celestial emblem of the east) lead by Seok Bum – brother to Chil Sook; Yi Hwa Jeong Do (Pear Blossom elite cadre) lead by Deok Chung; Dong Baek Mae Do (White Camellia Elite Cadre) lead by Baek Yui; Bi Cheon Ji Do (Flying Fairy Elite Cadre) lead by Al Jeong; Hyeon Mu Ji Do (Black Warrior elite cadre-celestial emblem of the North) lead by Pil Dan ; Hu Guk Seon Do (Defender State sylph elite cadre) lead by Im Jong; Baek Hu Bo Do (White tiger/Kirin elite cadre –celestial emblem of the west) lead by Dae Nam Bo; Yun Sang In Do (Above the cloud elite cadre) lead by Seon Yeol; Cheon Si Hwon Do (Celestial city elite cadre) lead by Wang Yon. Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man is the newest addition created by Princess Cheon Myeong. It is actually her own elite cadre corps with new regimental colours name Yong Hwa Hyang Do (Dragon Flower Tree elite cadre) lead by Kim Yu Shin
Kim Yu Shin at the age of fifteen, he became a Hwa Rang warrior, named Yong Hwa Hyang Do (” Youth Corp of the Dragon Flower Tree,” the Nagavrksa tree, or Bodhi tree, under which Maitreya Buddha would stand and teach his disciples). He was an accomplished swordsman and became a Gukseon (Hwa Rang leader) by the time he was eighteen years old.
Queen Seon Deok Episode 8
Seol Won Rang lead to the forest by Joo Bang & Go Do’s information. Mi Shil is also in accompanied in the find. Joo bang counting their odds with the plucking of the leaves, they will or damned they will not. Go Do asked whether they have the location correct as he get slaps by Joo Bang then Seol Won Rang comes. Joo Bang calls out to them. Joo Bang comments that …there is quite a number of people had come. Deok Man looking at the distance. Then the men path a path for Mi Shil to approached & asked are they the men as Seol Won Rang affirms it. Mi Shil reveals herself as Deok Man had a look at her from the distance & wonder who she is. Joo Bang recognised Mi Shil went to reveal her identity to them. Mi Shil asked that Joo Bang had save a child that was heavily injured. Joo Bang asked Go Do not to speak further as Mi Shil grateful thanked them & asked them to lead the way. Go Do keep asking for the payment of the gold as Joo Bang asked them to follow them to the hut where Bo Jong is
As Joo Bang leads Seol Won Rang & Mi Shil to Bo Jong, Deok Man is following closely behind them. Go Do finds that they had taken the wrong route as Joo Bang silence Go Do. Joo Bang tells that that is Mi Shil behind them. Joo Bang knows that once they take Seol Won Rang & Mi Shil to Bo Jong, they will finds the chance to eliminate them. Joo Bang tells Go Do to makes a run at the direction of the forest. . Joo Bang said on the count of 3, there make a run for it. Joo Bang counts but on count of 2, Go Do already made a dash for it leaving Joo Bang still counting. Joo Bang runs & alerted Seol Won Rang who asked his soldier to go after them. Seol Won Rang soldier shoot fire arrow at Joo Bang & barely misses them. Seol Won Rang asked that they must be capture at all cost. Seol Won Rang whether they are shot or killed, they must capture them back. Mi Shil is upset that Joo bang Go Do had evade their capture. Meanwhile Deok Man is still looking at the distance.

Meanwhile at Manno Fortress, Kim Yong Chu said that Mi Shil hasn’t return to them, it means that they can’t locate Bo Jong. King Jinpyeong think it seem so. Kim Yong Chu announce that because of Cheon Myeong’s clever manoeuvre of the incident, they had gain a really important support on their side. King Jinpyeong is pleased that his daughter had to return to him with filled zest. King Jinpyeong had attempted many times to have Kim Seo Hyeon return to Seorabeol but had failed, this time she had really fulfilled his desire wish. Kim Yong Chu said that this time when the King returned back to the palace, they definitely can bring back Kim Seo Hyeon & Kim Yu Shin together with them
Then Mi Shil announced her arrival & seeks audience. Then they wonder what has Mi Shil got in her sleeves. King Jinpyeong permits Mi Shil to enter. Mi Shil enters & produces Bo Jong in front of their presence. Meanwhile Deok man goes back to the hut to find that Bo Jong is missing from his bed. Cheon Myeong is surprise by Bo Jong’s appearance. Bo Jong came to pay his greeting to King Jinpyeong then to Princess Cheon Myeong. Bo Jong heard that Cheon Myeong was in an incident that nearly threaten her safety & wish her well & apologise that he wasn’t there to help her or safe guard her safety & asked for forgiveness. Then Bo Jong said it is a privilege to had an audience with the Princess after her long absence from the palace & rest on the nation laurel of fortune that she is save. Mi Shil is confidence that she has one up against Cheon Myeong’s allegation. Meanwhile Deok Man recalls the incident at Yeo Rae temple of Bo Jong then Seol Won Rang desperate order to have Joo bang & Go Do capture at all cost
Jo Bang & Go Do comes back running to the hut then Deok Man calls out to them as Joo bang trying to check his breath as they are panting for breaths from their great escape & Go Do realise that Bo Jong is missing from his bed. Bo Jong could barely reach the bed with his extensive wound as the physician look at it & dress the wound. Mi Shil tells her son that it was suffering for Bo Jong to tolerate his pain until now. Bo Jong assures his mother that he is alright & not to worry. Physician said that the wound can’t be rupture again, if it doesn’t it will have dire consequences & advice that Bo Jong doesn’t move around too much to aggravate his wound again. Mi Shil asked her son to endure as Bo Jong seeks forgiveness that he had made her worried about his well being. Bo Jong said that he had failed miserably in his mission that she has entrusted to him. Bo Jong said that Moon Noh was nowhere to be found in Yeo Rae Temple. Seol Won Rang said it is not his fault, it may be that Moon Noh is on his travels again. Mi Shil said that what they didn’t foresee or under-estimate was that this incident had ripples a retaliation effect on them. Mi Shil tells that Bo Jong had return safely had divert their danger of risk. Mi Shil said that her son has completed his mission with excellence. Mi Shil asked about the whereabouts of the people who took care of Bo Jong. Seol Won Rang said they are still in the midst of looking for them around the nearby vicinity of the hut for them but also the exterior proximity of the area. Seol Won Rang had send people to look for them. Joo Bang drags a reluctant Deok Man out. Deok Man wants Jo Bang to explained to her what is going on as she sees him in panic stricken.
Joo Bang said what is there to explain that Bo Jong is missing & gone, then they know & have knowledge of this place, they will be out soon to find them out & killed them. Joo Bang tells Deok Man that they need to escape from here at once. Deok Man asked why should they escape & asked who was Mi Shil. Joo Bang tells them that she is Mi Shil. Go Do can’t understand that Joo Bang has been going on muttering the name Mi Shil & asked whether she is that Mi Shil from the palace. Joo Bang confirms that she is that exact person. Go Do asked that how come Joo Bang recognise those distinguished personality….Joo bang explains but stop short as he hurries them to make the escape before they come for them. Anyhow if Mi Shil puts a warrant on them, it will only lead them to their deaths. Joo Bang takes his leave first to disperse, & asked them whether or not do they want to follow him. Joo Bang asked them to hurry as Go Do & Deok Man stood there in confusion. As they ran up the slope, Seok Bum comes to the hut to search the area for them & had them capture. After a short search they found nobody in the hut, then asked to extend the vicinity of the search & find them
Manno Fortress a call for everybody’s attention. Im Jong announces the departure of the King Jinpyeong from Manno Fortress & asked the people to make way. Everybody stand aside to make way for his majesty to depart. Deok Man, Joo Bang & Go Do are in the town square. Joo Bang in camouflage of some braches & asked them taking the opportunity in the crowd to disperse from sight, then asked to keep their distance, not too close but yet not too far. Goo Bang asked Deok Man to lead in front then followed by Go Do, but Seok Bum is still searching for their whereabouts then notice Joo Bang in the streets. Deok Man twine around the street follow by Joo Bang & Go Do but suddenly Joo Bang & Go Do got intercept by Seok Bum’s men & disappear front he street as Deok Man turns around to find them missing. Deok Man turn back then sees Joo Bang & Go Do apprehended. Seok Bum doesn’t know the existence of Deok Man since Joo Bang & Go Do when to see them to enquire about the 30 nyang of gold without her
Joo Bang notice her & signal her to escape as Seok Bum’s men asked Joo Bang & Go Do to follow them at knife points as Deok Man sees them being taken away. Deok Man goes to the palace guard to asked for help that someone lives need to be save but the guard asked her to move aside as the King is departing. Guard pushes her aside, then she sees Kim Yu Shin passing by, whether he recognise her & she asked for his help. Kim Yu Shin tells that Deok Man was the thief that stole his belt ornament & now she literally comes up to them. They accused her for stealing the belt ornament. But Deok Man said there is not time to debate on that issue. Kim Yu Shin asked Deok Man to get lost, it is because of her that nearly got his Hwa Rang’s Yong Hwa Hyang Do cadre almost disbanded. Deok Man doesn’t know what they are saying, but she begs them to help her. Kim Yu Shin & the Hwa Rang of Yonghwa Hyang Do chorus refusal as Kim Yong Chu comes out to find what is all the commotion is all about with the shouting & yelling. Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man path their way in respect for Kim Yong Chu. Kim Yong Chu reprimanded Kim Yu Shin for the ruckus that the King is about to depart there is such a commotion going on at the gates
Kim Yong Chu looks at Deok Man. King Jinpyeong leaving as he tells that the people Manno Fortress leaving in such northern frontier is suffering some hard times from famine & breaks of war so he allow the people of Manno Fortress to defer in their taxes for a year to ride this crisis. The people thanked the King’s graciously for the deferment. King Jinpyeong asked Kim Seo Hyeon see to the matter with the brigand & the refugees that had flooded the region to have them separate & be deal accordingly . Kim Seo Hyeon acknowledged his mission. Mi Shil is pleased that Kim Seo Hyeon is not coming to Seorabeol. Kim Seo Hyeon order that the King’s path be open for his departure. As they make a path, Kim Yong Chu comes calling for King Jinpyeong to stall his journey. King Jinpyeong asked what is the matter. Kim Yong Chu asked before the King’s departure, he must first need to oversee a grave petition of grievances of one of the citizen. King Jinpyeong surprise that there is a petition. King Jinpyeong said there is a person who had said that the incident in Yeo Rae Temple has cause him great grievance & will like to bring his case to the King to have him appease his injustice that had render to him
Mi Shil & Bo Jong is surprise at the statement. Cheon Myeong sense that there is a silver lining to the matter as someone had witness Yeo Rae temple incident. Deok Man is asked to be brought in. Cheon Myeong is shocked to see that the person was indeed Deok Man as Deok Man timidly comes in. King Jinpyeong looks at Deok Man, 1st time father & daughter looking at each other. Bo Jong is surprise to see Deok Man. Deok Man before the King as King Jinpyeong asked what injustice had come to her. Kim Yong Chu said that Deok Man want to find firstly that someone who was in Yeo Rae temple that she had met. Kim Yong Chu asked Deok Man to carefully look & see if she can find that person in question amongst them in the crowd. Deok Man pans to find Bo Jong, stop brief at Cheon Myeong who is wearing a veil hat then to Ha Jong & Seol Won Rang then finally spots Bo Jong who already looking rather unsettled. Deok Man points out that Bo Jong is the person she seeks & he was from Yeo Rae Temple. Cheon Myeong looks at Bo Jong that this has confirm that he was at Yeo Rae temple
Seol Won Rang asked Bo Jong whether he knows Deok Man. Bo Jong said that it is the 1st time he is seeing Deok Man. Deok Man is upset & marches to Bo Jong & tells him that she was the person who save his life. Deok Man tells that he was seriously injured by the arrow & she rescue him & nurse him for 3 days to health & then render him medication. Deok Man is claiming medical reimbursement from Bo Jong. Bo Jong tells the crowd that this did not happened. Deok Man asked then why was her father (Joo Bang) & older brother (Go Do) was apprehended. Seol Won Rang tells Deok Man that this is not the place for her to be insolent. Mi Shil feeling rather startled. Seol Won Rang reiterated that they can’t believe the words from a total stranger. Deok Man then showed Bo Jong his ring & tells that this ring belongs to him. Deok Man said that it is true that he is the owner to that ring. All the family members of Mi Shil are wearer of such ring & Bo Jong’s ring is missing from his finger. Cheon Myeong looks at Mi Shil’s reaction as she is trying to control herself as their scheme had been audaciously being foiled by Deok Man’s interference

Deok Man notice Mi Shil from that night where they search for Bo Jong & goes up & confront Mi Shil that she never keep the side of the bargain, if Bo Jong is found, there is a 30 nyang gold reward to be given that what Mi Shil promise her “father” then why is her father & older brother being apprehended. Deok Man demands from Mi Shil to return her father & older brother back to her & asked Mi Shil to be quick with it. Mi Shil has nothing to defend herself as Deok Man accuse her for misdeed. Mi Shil comes to meet Cheon Myeong in private, then reminded her about what had happened a year ago that she has persuade her. Cheon Myeong recalls that Mi Shil asked her to run away from her fated destiny of being the Big Dipper & the keeper of Gaeyang & discarded all wishful thinking & run away. For that it is her last sympathy for Cheon Myeong. Cheon Myeong remembers it well. Mi Shil asked whether her answer was that child whom claim to have witness the happening from Yeo Rae temple. Cheon Myeong said that it seems that is the answer. Mi Shil said that Kim Seo Hyeon & family will able to return to Seorabeol, then Cheon Myeong will return the favour that she will not persist in query investigate in the incident of Yeo Rae temple & also warn that Mi Shil not to touched Deok Man at all for retribution. Mi Shil said that there wouldn’t be any of that. Before leaving, Mi Shil tells that Cheon Myeong that her sympathy for her stop here. MI Shil walks away knowing that she had lost this bout to Cheon Myeong
Joo Bang & Go Do about to be killed as they beg Seok Bum to spare their lives. Go Do begs that it is not his fault but blames it on Joo Bang. Seok Bum order them to be killed then Im Jong comes just in the nick of time to stop them. Seok Bum asked what right they had to interference as this is order by Seol Wong Rang, but Im Jong holds the King’s decree & showed it to a very surprise Seok Bum & Im Jong order that all swords to be return back in its sheath at once. Jo Bang tells them that it is now the royal decree. Im Jong takes them away, leaving Seok Bum empty handed
Deok Man is looks up in jail as she shout for attention. Deok Man said that she was told to said the honest truth as she will be let go & asked why she is doing being locked up. Deok Man asked what is going on here. Deok Man want to see Kim Yong Chu immediately. Im Jong brings back Joo Bang & Go Do se Deok Man as they are so glad to see her still alive & asked if she is alright. Deok Man said what is going on & Joo Bang said he had no idea. Go DO said that the King has saved their lives. Im Jong asked them to enter the jail. Im Jong assures that soon there will be an order to release them. This is done as a method to safe guard their safety. Joo Bang went straight into the jail cell & sat quietly. Go Do follow suit then Deok Man asked Im Jong whether the person is out to kill Moon Noh. Deok Man asked what in connection with that person she has save with Mi Shil. Deok Man said that Bo Jong wanted to killed Moon Noh. Im Jong upset that asked Deok Man not to speculate nonsense. Deok man calls out at Im Jong asked whether Moon Noh is alive or death, she needs to know. Im Jong said that Gukseon is not a person who easily be killed by anyone
Cheon Myeong said that they don’t have the political strength just yet to go against Mi Shil. If King Jinpyeong makes their move in persisting in exposing Mi Shil & their involvement, then they might have nurture a rebellion in their midst. Kim Yong Chu concur that this exercise had gain the support of Kim Seo Hyeon is already sufficient & they will have to leave as that & rest the matter. King Jinpyeong had gain a lot of insight through Cheon Myeong; since that Cheon Myeong wish & courage to answer her call on her fate destiny, the child Deok Man suddenly makes her appearance coincidentally to help them in their cause. Cheon Myeong said that it is not coincidental that Deok Man came. Cheon Myeong said that Deok Man is the child that save her & allow her to make her change her perspective & mindset. King Jinpyeong surprise that Deok Man was the person who changed his daughter mindset, then Cheon Myeong added that she wants to inform that also Kim Yong Su had left her his flesh & blood in her. Kim Yong Su confirms that Cheon Myeong has bears King Jinpyeong’s grandson & the child of his older brother Kim Yong Su. King Jinpyeong chokes in happiness & surprise by the news. Princess Man Myeong is also presence. She is wife to Kim Seo Hyeon & mother to Kim Yu Shin. She is also the older sister to King Jinpyeong. Cheon Myeong asked for her father’s forgiveness as at that moment she will not have to bear his child in the palace where she had lost her husband & her 3 younger brothers to
King Jinpyeong understands & said it is not at all & that it is fine since she had every reason to react & made her decision. King Jinpyeong is assuring that that they will start over again. Since Moon Noh’s disappearance now he will like to combine in effort & rekindled the royal household of Gaya is made to suffer & had disperse. It will not be an easy endeavor as Mi Shil holds all military authority that is not be easy to redeem back but however Kim Yong Su & his Cheon Myeong had given him a descendant & continue his blood line to create this chance of an opportunity for them to so. King Jinpyeong will put their effort resting on these laurels as morale boost. Kim Seo Hyeon swears his legion to King Jinpyeong that he will follow King Jinpyeong’s orders & execute it to the best of his ability
Ha Jong scrutinizing Bo Jong on what he had done in order for the fouled up but Ha Jong added that it is not all his own fault totally & can’t be blame as that lies with Seol Won Rang’s miscalculation in his trust that you able to do the miss & who send him to handle this mission in the 1st place. Ha Jong assures his mother if she let him have them, he will settle them straight away. Mi Shil said that they had already lost this bout. Ha Jong doesn’t understand why his mother is conceding. Mi Shil asked them not to be rash in their movement & warns them
Cheon Myeong goes & sees Kim Yu Shin & asked if he had already heard the news. Kim Yu Shin had been told by his mother. Princess Cheon Myeong wouldn’t force Kim Yu Shin to be her Hwa Rang but Kim Yu Shin then loyally seek her legions that he is willing to serve as her Hwa Rang but as a condition that she will not ever cry. Kim Yu Shin willing to accept Princess Cheon Myeong their “Colonel in Chief or Royal patron of their youth regiment. Cheon Myeong agrees that she will no longer cry anymore. Cheon Myeong said between Kim Yu Shin & her; they had a discussion about his believe if she gives out everything in all effort in sincerity. Kim Yu Shin apologise for that statement. Cheon Myeong said with that effort in sincerity in that matter the least she will change, if she changes then all in this world may change as follow. Cheon Myeong believes in Kim Yu Shin’s faith in that statement. In that she trusted in his faith. She will bring Kim Yu Shin to Seorabeol. Kim Yu Shin kneels before her to swear his legion to her & asked her to believe in his faith as he will put his best sincere effort before her. Cheon Myeong adds that she needs a favour from him
In the jail, Joo Bang asked that Deok Man had eavesdrops on Mi Shil’s attempts to killed Moon Noh & had witness her & know Mi Shil have the knowledge that Deok Man had learn the truth. Then adding that Deok Man had declares that he is her father, Go Do is her older brother. Joo Bang said that they are now sense that dead meat for sure as Deok Man affirms everything that is said. Go Do said that they still have the protection of the King. Joo Bang said no matter what that it is of no use once they are caught by Mi Shil’s scan, they are really & certainly be dead. Joo Bang decides that he will stay in jail for the rest of his life & will not come out of it. Joo Bang said that it is a fine accommodation in this jail where it is comfortable & spacious just it doesn’t have a bed or any bed fitting. Kim Yu Shin’s Hwa Rang opens the jail door & asked them to come out. Joo Bang wants to make a quick exit as Go Do asked didn’t he said that the jail was comfortable & spacious. Joo Bang slaps Go Do head for being stupid that now is the matter of life & death. Go Do drags Deok Man out as she is trying to thinking what is going on
The rest of the Yonghwa Hyangdo gather & comes out to settle a score with Deok Man. Kim Yu Shin asked his Hwa Rang to stop as he approaches Deok Man. One of the Hwa Rang asked Kim Yu Shin that they really have to let them into their cadre corps. They are disgruntle that because of Deok Man, they were almost been disbanded. Kim Yu Sin said that this is the decree from Princess Cheon Myeong. Kim Yu Shin asked who is Deok man among them. Deok Man acknowledge that she is. Kim Yu Shin said that from this day onwards, she is now a Nang Do (cadet) in the Yonghwa Hyangdo but Kim Yu Shin stated that it is not in his position that she is recognise that the decision to let her into their corps is princess Cheon Myeong. He however will make sure that she becomes a Nang Do. Kim Yu Shin warns that if she needs to be gain recognition in their corps, she must first get rid of that attitude of hers. If she can’t then he will have to do it for her. Kim Yu Shin said after she understands what he had said, she will followed him to Seorabeol. Deok Man asked she had to go to Seorabeol, then Joo Bang asked what about he & Go Do. Kim Yu Shin asked them to go on their merry way & lead their individual lives
Joo Bang & Go Do then express shocked that they had to fend on their own. Joo Bang said that if they go out of this wall they might have people staring at them with stabbing swords at them & wanting to have them killed. Kim Yu Shin said the situation is no longer life threatening to them, so there is no worries. Joo Bang said what in heavens that they can believe in such assurances after they leave these walls, they wouldn’t be seeking their permission to kill them off. Joo Bang & Go Do begs Kim Yu Shin to take them into his corps & bear some responsibility for their safety then goes to Deok & pleads to her not to leave them & asked whether she really want to abandon them since she already declare that Joo Bang is her father & Go Do her older brother. Deok Man asked whether Mi Shil the person stay in Seorabeol as well. Kim Yu Shin surprise that Deok Man’s interest in Mi Shil
In Hwa Rang Bo Jong leads the 10 elite cadre of Seorabeol Hwa Rang to pledge legion to Princess Cheong Myeong who resume proprietor of Hwa Rang in a ceremony. Kim Yu Shin with his Yonghwa Hyangdo. Joo Bang, Go Do & Deok Man are now in the corps. Although I would think that Joo bang had exceed the legible age of being a Youth Hwa Rang. Deok Man looks smart in her uniform. Bo Jong as the Captain of the 10 elite Seorabeol elite cadre Hwa Rang sends greeting to Princess Cheon Myeong. Princess Cheong Myeong tells them that she is resuming her duty as keeper & proprietor of Hwa Rang.
Princess Cheon Myeong: I…Princess Cheon Myeong has come to reinstated my duty as Hwa rang’s proprietor & Keeper
Hu Jae asked that the Hwa Rang to cheers longevity to the nation of Silla. Hu Jae asked that Kim Yu Shin come forth to accepts his regimental flag of Yonghwa Hyangdo as Kim Yu Shin comes forward to accept the flag from Princess Cheon Myeong as their inauguration to enters his elite corps Yonghwa Hyangdo to the Seorabeol ranks.

Princess Cheon Myeong: I permit…Yonghwa Hyangdo to enter the ranks of Seorabeol, so as it will be
Princess Man Myeong & Kim Seo Hyeon looking at the distance as Kim Yu Shin received his regimental colours from Cheon Myeong. Princess Man Myeong express concern that will this be alright for their son. Kim Seo Hyeon said it wouldn’t be easy for him. Princess Man Myeong asked whether Kim Seo Hyeon had relay his son fated destiny to him. Kim Seo Hyeon said he did not as he wants to see how his son will journey this through. Princess Man Myeong even though Kim Yu Shin is his son & his future but yet Kim Seo Hyeon doesn’t see him in good regards & keep a look out by sitting on the fence. Kim Seo Hyeon said that Princess Cheon Myeong is born out of the dream prophesy of the Big Dipper
The prophesy of the Big Dipper when Mizar split into 2 as all of the characters involve from Queen Seok Deok to Kim Chun Chu are the source towards the Unified Silla. Although none of the characters lived to see it Unified, not even King Muyeol
Cheon Myeong leaves Hwa Rang but before pausing to see Deok Man fondly although under the cover of the veil. While else Mi Shil sees Deok Man a thorn in her thumb. Cheon Myeong pay her greeting to Kim Seo Hyeon & Princess Man Myeong & asked them what she had done to their son is seen alright to them. Kim Seo Hyeon said that no matter what it is this is something they need to journey this sooner or later. Then the other 10 elite Seorabeol corps gang up on Kim Yu Shin & his Yonghwa Hyangdo then Bo Jong tells them that Seorabeol’s ten elite Hwa Rang shall never accept Yonghwa Hyangdo within their ranks. Then Bo Jong asked to challenge them for a duel (competition). If they by chance managed to defeat them, then Bo Jong will apologise for their imprudence. Joo Bang realise that Bo Jong & the rest of the 10 elite Hwa Rang corps are aiming to try pick quarrels with & looks yearning for their blood. Deok Man said are they trying to fight with them as they prepare for all out brawl although Joo bang tries to calm the situation. Then a brawl started (looks more like a bar fight) & as all hell break lose for Yonghwa Hyangdo until were batter & taken down. Kim Yu Shin is shocked that his Hwa Rang is being whack left right & centre. Kim Yu Shin couldn’t even match Seok Bum. In his defeat, Kim Yi Shin sees his regimental colours being slice into 2 by Bo Jong. Bo Jong throws a challenge until they are fit & qualify to be Seorabeol elite Hwa Rang to redeem half their flag they need to meet them in a duel (Bi Jae) to collect their flag. Bo Jong & the other 10 elite Seorabeol corps left Hwa Rang with their flag as trophy
10 elite Seorabeol corps leaders all laughing that they had taught Kim Yu Shin & his Yonghwa Hyangdo a great lesson in what they need in becoming Hwa Rang over drinks. Seok Bum knows that for Yonghwa Hyangdo to pit against Bo Jong is impossible. Seok Bum said they are just group of rustic pheasant stock trying to be gentry. One of the Hwa Rang captain said that they are not from Seorabeol how dare they registered themselves in the Pung Ryeon Hwang Gwon. Seok Bum said that Princess Cheon Myeong has insulted the foundation of Hwa Rang by admitted Yonghwa Hyangdo to their ranks. Im Jong is quiet at their debates. Al Cheon praise that Im Jong staying on the sidelines & if he is seen in favour then Im Jong will be treated as one of them then he will defer in their principals as the other elite corps
Seok Bum said without Im Jong’s help, they wouldn’t last. They estimation is given to give them 2 months & some giving less than that. Deok Man asked Kim Yu Shin what is this Hwa Rang, they look more like gangster than anything that they are fame for. Go Do said it is fine that they should stay here. Joo Bang said that they have no choice but to stay. Joo Bang said that he thought Yonghwa Hyangdo has some substance but there is nothing to show for it on what it represents. Joo Bang said it is only a bunch of dog shit. Kim Seo Hyeon comes to see his son in which Kim Yu Shin is embarrass to see his father. Kim Seo Hyeon said that this is Hwa Rang Do (The way of Hwa rang). It may look refine & decorate from outside but they had to be trained in the fine art of war fare & to survival the training & facing the battlefield in wars. Those who survival can only truly be Hwa Rang. Princess Cheon Myeong has prepare this living quarters & training ground for them but this is as far as the Princess will render help for them. Kim Seo Hyeon said that until they redeem half of their flag, no one will lend them any support. This is really a raw truth for Kim Yu Shin to digest
King Jinpyeong is presented with Kim Chun Chu, his grandson. Princess Cheon Myeong tells her father that her son name is Kim Chun Chu. King Jinpyeong said it is a fine name. Queen Maya claim he resembled exactly like his father. King Jinpyeong said he is indeed Kim Yong Su’s son 7 Queen Maya said that Kim Chun Chu is Kim Ying Su’s precious child. Cheon Myeong has her fears although her parents are happy with their grandchild
Mi Shil gets news that Cheon Myeong had brought her son. Seol Won Rang report that the child just enters the palace. Seol Won Rang said she always had lodge in the hermitage in Seo Da Sa temple all this while. Mi Shil then repeat what Cheon Myeong had said that she is not running away from her calling, it is because she was pregnant with the child. She pretend she is escaping her destiny as an excuse to have her baby. The plot that she went to look for Moon Noh then to get Kim Seo Hyeon to enter & return Seorabeol was to establish her support group. Mi Shil laughs that she was dupe by Cheon Myeong, playing the timid princess but in the end Cheon Myeong has starting to plot against them. Mi Saeng even find his sister scary laughing uncontrollable
Mi Shil said that Cheon Myeong is following her past in exact footstep of when she was younger. Han Jong surprises the comparison between Cheon Myeong & mother. When she was young, she had a rift with Queen Dowager Ji So that she was driven out of the palace. Se Jong asked why she is making reference to his mother. It seems Se Jo is from that bloodline of Queen Dowager Ji So. When she was chase by the Queen Dowager, she vowed that she will return to palace with vengeance. Yes, like General MacArthur & Terminator, “I’ll be back”. Then at that moment when she makes her return she will be the Mi Shil of old, she promised herself & moreover she did achieve what she had proclaimed. But now she is seeing Princess Cheon Myeong doing exactly what she was doing then. Princess Cheon Myeong lost her husband Lord Yong Su to war then went out of the palace to have her baby. Will Cheon Myeong proclaim that when she return to the palace once again will she become another person & will not be the Cheon Myeong as we know. Mi Shil laughs profusely that history is about to repeat itself. Ha Jong concern that it is not a laughing matter. Mi Shil had for the past year has reincarnate her body & soul & had condition for such grandeur, this is a person challenge within themselves. This is Princess Cheon Myeong had handed a challenge at them

Bo Jong comes to report & Seol Won rang asked how are the status youth f Yonghwa Hyangdo. Bo Jong said except Kim Yu Shin who knows some fundamental basics the rest of the cadre are hopeless & useless. Mi Shil asked Seol Won Rang about his investigation background to Deok Man. Seol Won Rang will check up on it. Kim Yu Shin does a head count then finds that Deok Man had gone missing & since when. One of his Hwa Rang tells that she disappear after training. Joo Bang & Go Do comes in after a visit to the latrine. Kim Yu Shin asked whether Joo Bang & Go Do knows whereabouts of Deok Man had gone to. Go Do said they know nothing about it. Hwa Rang tells that Deok Man is missing. Joo Bang is more surprise that Deok Man is missing & asked where she went
Seol Won Rang tells that Joo Bang & Go Do are petty thieves in the market. Deok Man is not Joo Bang’s child. Mi Shil said that Deok Man appear with Cheon Myeong at Yeo Rae Temple. Bo Jong confirms it. Ha Jong said when the capture the insurgents the Princess was said to be in the company of a kid, it should be Deok Man. Se Jong asked in what way is Deok Man connected to Princess Cheon Myeong. Mi Shil said that we will have to asked this question directly to him
Deok Man comes to Mi Shil’s palace & admire how grand it is. Then the guards shouted who is there as Deok Man goes to seek refuge & hide. Deok Man enters Hwa Sa Dang, where the memorial tablet of the great Hwa Rang had sacrifices their lives in defence of Silla. While looking around she trip at one of the tables. Upon picking up, gave a quick passing read at it & placing back to its place then walks away then realise, it is the memorial tablet dedicate to Chil Sook. Deok Man turns around at read it again & recognise Chil Sook’s name. Deok man picks it up “Silla Great Servant Hwa Rang Chil Sook memorial tablet. Deok Man recalls about Chil Sook wandering around for 15 years that took him 15 years to search for So Hwa & Deok Man then now he can return to Gye Rim & asked her to go to Gye Rim with him. Then she recalls the story that Chil Sook told her in the desert how he search for them for 2 years & that his country seems to be getting further distance from him. In order to survive, he did all sort of miscellaneous jobs for survival, he said he should had gone back to his country & face his Ladyship & died a honourable death in front of her. Then Deok Man makes a conclusion guess that the Ladyship Chil Sook mentioned wouldn’t by chance be Mi Shil
Hwa Sa Dang is a temple altar for commemoration the glory of the Hwa Rang dead
Deok man is caught by Seok Bum’s Hwa Rang & brought to her knees & she asked what place is this. The Hwa rang announce that Deok Man is already be brought. Doors slide opens to reveal Mi Shil sitting over there that surprise Deok Man
Mi Shil: What is the purpose that you were in Yeo Rae Temple?
Deok Man gave a quick think
Deok Man: I…..Where is Moon Noh?
Mi Shil’s expression change quickly as Deok Man mentioned the name Moon Noh. The rest was just as surprise
Kim Yong Chu is shocked that Deok Man is apprehended by Seok Bum’s Hwa rang
Back to Mi Shil
Deok Man: You should know the whereabouts of Moon Noh, is that correct? I heard that Moon Noh was residing in Yeo Rae temple but a massacre occurred & he is no way to be found
Mi Shil: Did you go there to look for Moon Noh?….Why?
Deok Man: This I have no reason to tell you what it is…But however I must find Moon Noh immediately. Please let me know
Mi Shil: Do you know & acquaintance with the Princess?
Deok Man: Princess?
Mi Shil is upset that Deok Man acts that she doesn’t know Cheon Myeong
Deok Man: I don’t know what reference are you referring to? But I am not a citizen of Gye Rim, therefore I don’t anybody from Gye Rim…Moon Noh, where is he now?
Mi Shil: Is it correct that you are Yonghwa Hyangdo?
Deok Man look at herself
Deok Man: Oh! I have been told that I am
Mi Shil: Then the day that Yonghwa Hyangdo beats Bo Jong’s Il Wyol Seong Do, then you will come & see me, then I shall tell that to you
The rest are surprise that Mi Shil had given Deok Man such a pact
Deok Man: Then how will I believe that this is true?
Mi Shil: This is a promise of the ladyship
Kim Yong Chu storms in & Mi Shil asked what his business here so late in the night. Kim Yong Su asked what is the purpose that Deok Man is here at her palace. Mi Shil said she wanted to clear some misunderstanding with Deok Man. Kim Yong Chu looks at Deok Man where she nods in affirmative. Kim Yong Chu said that it seems that Mi Shil is finished with him & he can take Deok Man out with him. Mi Shil allows it. Kim Yong Chu takes Deok Man out. Mi Shil feel unsettled with Deok Man. Kim Yong Chu walks with Deok Man then asked if she is alright. Kim Yong Chu asked what Mi Shil wants from her. Deok Man said that there is nothing of importance. Kim Yong Chu advice that if anything of this sort should occurs again, she must inform him at once. Deok Man understands.

Deok Man asked if Kim Yong Chu by chance knows of a person named Chil Sook. Kim Yong Chu is surprise that Deok Man will bring up this name. Ha Jong is upset that Kim Yong Chu storm in & said that he is getting insolent & arrogant to dare enter their palace & take someone from them. Ha Jong said that Kim Yong Chu will soon end like his brother if he is not careful. Se Jong can’t understand why Mi Shil should make such a pact with Deok Man, a Nang D, it is not like her. Mi Shil asked why she had made that pact to Deok Man as she refer the matter to Bo Jong. Bo Jong said that it is under no circumstance must Il Wyol Seong Do lose to Yonghwa Hyangdo. Seol Won Rang reminds that this is not as easy to be seen as just Hwa Rang’s qualms between elite corps, Seol Won Rang asked his son to bear this in mind
Mi Shil: The child…You know…that he told no lies,
Everybody is surprise
Mi Shil: But however there was something eerily perturbing & disturbing about him that I have a reluctant dislike
Kim Yong Chu took Deok man privately as she asked about Chil Sook. Kim Yong Chu tells Deok Man that he was the personal escort of Mi Shil. Deok man is surprise. Kim Yong Chu added that 15 years ago, he went to carry out a mission on Mi Shil’s order & never return, so they fear that he had lost his life. Although his body was never found, when Kim Yong Chun was a Pungwolju of Hwa Rang, she had his memorial tablet honour at the Hwa Sa Dang. Deok Man asked what was the mission about. Kim Yong Chu had no idea. Kim Yong Chu is curious why Deok Man brought the subject of Chil Sook. Deok Man brush that she has heard his name before by coincidence. Kim Ying Chu said that she should be careful & take caution in what she see & hear around here from now onwards. Kim Yong Chu leaves as Deok man takes a look around at Seorabeol & asked her mother whether this is the place that will reveal the truth about why her mother had to die & who exactly she is
Joo Bang is sleeping at the quarters & had a rough night. Joo Bang said that he must be mad to be in this kind of place looking at his age. Joo Bang then complaint that Deok Man had run off herself leaving them behind to suffer in misery. Joo bang asked a Hwa Rang to wake up to give a shoulder massage to his elders. Then Deok Man gets up as Joo Bang is happy to see that Deok Man is still around & rejoice as he heard that she ran away. Everybody wakes up to find Deok Man sleeping among them.
Kim Yu Shin comes as Joo bang informs that Deok Man is here. Deok Man said that she lost her way going to the latrine. Deok man said she is available for training today. Kim Yu Shin advice her that under no circumstances that she is allowed to leave her position. Deok Man said that it is of course. Under any circumstances she must obey his orders. Deok Man agrees with him. Kim Yu Shin throw her a sand bag. Kim Yu Shin said from now on wards she must strap this sand bags whenever she goes, when training, eating or even sleeping. This also if she disobeyed his command or seen abandoning her position, then an addition sand bag will be strap to her legs. If she finds it difficult to endure & takes the sandbag off then that that is the day she will leave Yonghwa Hyangdo. Deok man asked him not to worried as that will not happened
Kim Yu Shin takes his Yonghwa Hyangdo for a morning hike run, Deok man trailing behind with her strap sand bag to her ankles. Deok Man struggling to keep up with the boys as they run, Deok Man slip onto the soggy mud. Deok Man was the last “man” home. Kim Yu Shin said that Deok Man is the last man, then asked that Deok Man add another sand bag to her legs. Then they run another rounds as Deok Man again slogging behinds with extra weight. Joo Bang & Go Do trip on each other as Deok Man finds the opportunity that she wouldn’t be the last “man” home. Joo Bang asked Go Do to get up quickly as Deok man pass them but Go Do can’t hardly move anymore. Joo bang said that if they come in last, they will be the people wearing those sand bags. Then Deok Man gets bullied by Seok Bum & the others Captain of the elite Hwa Rang. Seok Bum asked with this ability how are they going to go off for war as all the Captains mock in laughter. Seok Bum said that it will be additional sand bag for her. Deok Man again last “man” home as he sees Joo Bang & Go Do already back. Deok Man upset that the Captain had delayed her
Kim Yu Shin asked to add another sand bag to her legs. Deok Man makes her way to the water through & wash her face refresh herself. Then the running started day after day with Deok Man forever trailing a she get frustrated & pick herself up after a gruesome she comes back to finds that the rest are not back yet. She went to the water through & washes her face to refresh herself as always then as she takes another dip then time lapse of some years & she tells everyone that she is not the last “man” in
Baekje attacks their borders. The Hwa Rang are asked to set off to war. Deok Man & the Yonghwa Hyang do gets a taste of what war is like. Princess Cheon Myeong asked Kim Yu Shil to guarantee Deok Man safety for her
The young Deok Man & the adult Deok Man had the same Colgate smile
It looks like Deok man’s identity will received similar treatment as when Seo Jang Geum living side by side with Han Sang Gong trying to find her mother’s best friend not knowing Han Sang Gong was her mother’s best friend & eventually finds it all along Han Sang Gong. How Deok Man able to have the respect Hwa Rang itself is because she was indeed was Hwa Rang herself as she is trained in the men’s regimental corps in later gain the support of Hwa Rang during her reign
We bid farewell to the young Deok Man & young Princess Cheon Myeong who excellently hold up the drama for 7 episodes
I am sure that Lee Yo Won will step into the Deok Man’s shoes nicely with the same eyes expression
I wonder what is the background to Joo Bang, since he know a lot of about Mi Shil
............. End Episode. 8 ............